Finger Painting: remembering times past

Posted by on March 11, 2016 in Studio Practice | Comments Off on Finger Painting: remembering times past


When I was younger and didn’t know better, I painted in acrylics and oils with my fingers much to the consternation of other painters around me. Real artists used proper brushes don’t you know? I won some prizes with my finger paintings, three at fence painting competitions—do people remember what that means? Large blank panels about 180 x 120 cm were wired to a wall or fence and newbie artists would try to win a prize for best painting, usually as a fund raiser or some council event. It was the 1970s and they were the way most people saw art in action in regional towns all around Australia, before the internet, multi-choice television channels, community arts programs, or even small local art galleries. Only the capital cities had regional or city art galleries, I remember the Brisbane City Art Gallery was attached to the Queensland Museum back then, long before South Bank was built. Another prize I won was at Coolum Beach around 1979 as a gimmick for a new housing development that seemed in the middle of nowhere then. So this post has a few photos of those early days. Please highlight any thumbnail to get more information on the work. I do not suggest people use any paints not especially made for finger painting as possible allergies and skin conditions like psoriasis could develop later, or at least use a good barrier cream—you have been warned!

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